lunes, 31 de mayo de 2021

Lack of diversity poses crisis for NY State Police

The New York State Police remain overwhelmingly white, an imbalance some troopers say is rooted in a legacy of racism. (June 1)


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Son turns guilt to tribute honoring virus victims

Brian Walter believes he exposed his father to the coronavirus, which killed him in May 2020. The younger Walter sought to heal his grief and guilt by organizing a memorial for his dad and other COVID-19 victims in the Queens borough of New York. (June 1)


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Today in History for June 1st

Highlights of this day in history: The Beatles release their 'Sgt. Pepper' album; Actress Marilyn Monroe born; CNN hits the airwaves; Mormon leader Brigham Young born; Blind and deaf author and activist Helen Keller dies. (June 1)


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'This is just the start': Louisville nonprofit says descendant of slaveholder donated six-figure reparations payment

A Black-led Kentucky nonprofit says it received a six-figure reparations payment from a person who discovered their great-grandfather owned slaves.


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'It's the right thing to do': WHO renames COVID variants with Greek letter names to avoid confusion, stigma

The World Health Organization has created a new system to name COVID-19 varients, getting away from place-based names that can stigmatize countries.


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'Potentially hazardous'? An asteroid the size of the Space Needle will pass near the Earth on Tuesday

A 'potentially hazardous" asteroid is expected to pass by the Earth on June 1, according to NASA.


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AP Top Stories May 31 P

Here's the latest for Monday May 31st: Biden commemorates war dead at Arlington National Cemetery; Netanyahu meets US Senator Graham in Jerusalem; China eases birth limits; Chinese climber becomes first blind Asian to scale Mount Everest.


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On Memorial Day, NYC mayor reflects on pandemic

New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio called on New Yorkers to reflect on the unity that they felt during the height of the city's COVID pandemic, saying "If we want to honor those we lost, let's create something as good as them." (May 31)


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